Motivation Monday 21 | The Off Days
“Expect 20% of your training sessions to be “duds”. Off days. Days where your strength just “isn’t right”. Don’t let it rattle you when it happens because it’s normal. Go home, eat, rest and sleep well, and come back the next time with a determined attitude.”
While the message in this is obvious, I think it's one of the hardest things an athlete has to come to terms with. It's never a good feeling to leave a training session feeling like you didn't conquer a workout or that you somehow failed for the day. While I'm not sure how accurate that percentage is, I will say it's completely normal to have days where you're just not going to be at your best, and that's OK.
I didn't write a weekly review for last week mostly because it was a crap week for me. I felt like I was getting sick on Monday, but managed to complete my workout fairly well despite that. I had to take Tuesday off, then modify my workouts for the rest of the week as I tried to nurse myself back to health.
While I had pretty much a whole week of "duds", I know that's not something to dwell on. I've just put my focus on getting my health back on track (get it? track? *wink*wink*nudge*nudge*).
In an abstract way, this can also apply to life. Not every day can be the best day ever. Some days you'll get nothing done, or it will seem like everything is going wrong. I'm still working on learning not to let those bad days fester in my mind.
@@Some things need to be let go so you can move forward. An easy concept to grasp, but hard to do.@@
I'm hoping it'll get easier with time and practice.
Let me know ways that you get over those "off days". I'm always looking for new methods to try 😊