Weekly Review | Life Goes On
“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on. ”
This was a rough week for a lot of people. While I knew Trump had a chance at winning, I was still surprised he pulled it off. At the same time, I haven’t been unaware of how Americans can be. I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by people who share (mostly) the same viewpoints as myself on and offline. However, I realized a long time ago that all Americans don’t have the same values. I’m sure by now you’ve all been inundated with a slew of political talk, so I’ll keep it at that for now. I’m sad, disappointed, and worried about the future, but I won’t let that stop me from living. So, on to how the rest of my week went.
My mom told me I should focus on bettering myself right now. I agreed. Then I spent the week eating horribly, getting very little sleep, and drowning myself in soda. All I’ll say about that is, I do not do well with temptation.
I’m back in my normal environment now, and looking to get back on track. I think I’m coming down with a cold, so I can't afford another week of throwing my body and immune system to the wolves. I think as a motivator I’ll make short, daily posts about everything I eat this week. Just to give myself another dose of accountability.
Despite all that, I had a pretty good week where track and field is concerned. It was testing week! I didn’t test at all last year, so I wasn’t sure where I would be when it was all said and done.
On the track I had a 150 and a 300. It was my first time testing with a 150 and it was interesting to see where I’d land. My goal was to run at least 17.5, and I ended up running 17.2, so I was a little less worried about the 300 after that. I wanted to run 38 for this, but had to settle for 39.3. Looking back at the post I made when I tested two years ago, I ran pretty much the same time (it was 39.4 back then). I’m not sure how to feel about that, just yet. My coach says I need to learn to run more controlled and relaxed, so now I know one more thing I need to focus on, at least.
Later in the week I had my first real track workout of the season. I was pretty nervous about it, but I managed to hit the times. I think I did OK for it being the first one, but I definitely did not drink enough water beforehand. I was fine with the booty-lock, but I ended up getting a horrible migraine which took me out of commission for a long while. It's not uncommon for me to get headaches after some workouts, but this one was the worst by far. A clear sign that my water intake has been worse than usual, if that's even possible.
Here’s how the weight room maxes went down: 145 power clean, 260 squat, 350 deadlift, and 105 bench press. I’ve always struggled with cleans and bench press, but I was happy I got to max out. I felt like I was stagnant with them these past few years, and I’m looking to use these next few lift cycles to work on them more.
On the other hand, I was a little disappointed with my squat max, but I knew it wasn’t going to jump up a whole lot this time around. I’ve been missing a lot of my squat days due to work, so I was basically just looking to not to go down at all.
All in all, it’s been a pretty surreal week. My emotions have been all over the place, but thankfully I’ve learned when to focus on my self-care and I have people in my life to keep me grounded.
Considering the election, I won't ask how your week has been as a sign-off. Instead, I’ll offer you an ear if you need to talk or vent in the comments (or by email) and remind you that it’s never a selfish thing to put yourself first.