2017 | Hang In There
“The hardest things for a human being to do is to know themselves and to change themselves.”
2016 has been a weird year, not just personally, but globally as well. My first inclination was to describe the year as a wash. I feel like I haven't progressed as much I wanted to in all the ways I wanted to. There are still so many things I need to work on, and as every year passes it's getting a little harder to say "It's OK. I've got time. I'm still young."
In an age when everyone can share the highlights of their lives on social media, it's easy to compare yourself to those around you. I'm still coming to terms with the fact I'm on my own journey, and still trying to find my own place in the world. I feel like I'm always saying this, but I guess that's just what your twenties are for.
@@Everyone is on the own journey and some just happen to reach their destinations quicker than other.@@
Of course, I can't deny the things I have managed to accomplish. The major one being the Olympics. It was such an amazing experience that really gave me a sense of where my future may lead. I'm trying to remember to be grateful for all the good things in my life by writing them in my journal as I remember to.
This past month has been a rocky one for me. My motivation has come in waves (very shallow waves), and I've spent a lot of time contemplating where I want to go with 2017. Of course, I have regular things I want to put into practice: hydrate, stretch, reach some manageable life goals. I think the one thing I really want to do is try to have no zero days. I want to go to bed every day knowing I did something, anything towards a goal. Summing it all up, I'd say the word for the year is effort.
Anyway, this post has been a little too somber for my liking, so I'll end it with something I came across on Facebook that sums up my thoughts almost perfectly:
If you want to share your resolutions for 2017, I'm all ears! I know for some it can be pretty personal, so I'm happy to hear anything. Have a happy and safe New Year's, guys!
Want to follow me into the new year? You can find me on all these wonderful platforms ✨