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Motivation Monday 21 | The Off Days
Expect 20% of your training sessions to be “duds”. Off days. Days where your strength just “isn’t right”. Don’t let it rattle you when it happens because it’s normal. Go home, eat, rest and sleep well, and come back the next time with a determined attitude.
— Dan John
Weekly Review | Life Goes On
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
Robert Frost
Be Conscious: No Zero Days and Learning To Forgive
We’ve all had those days. You start the day super motivated and raring to go. You write your to-do list with a few tasks you think are definitely do-able. Then you glance out the window and see how gloomy it looks. Your mood drops slightly. You watch some videos online to lift your spirits and end up falling asleep watching said videos. Suddenly, half the day is gone and you’re pissed at yourself for falling into the same bad habits that you’ve been working to fix.
Giving Thanks
Before I get into specifics...
I'll start by saying this is not a comprehensive list of people I'd like to thank. That means you shouldn't get butt-hurt if I don't mention you specifically. If you've had any impact whatsoever on my life then just know I appreciate it greatly. I've had so many comments, messages, and tweets from friends and family around the clock since I made the Olympics and seeing the outpouring of love and encouragement has meant the world to me.
I apologize for the lateness of this post. I've written and re-written this post in my head so many times, but every time I've sat down to type it out, my mind has gone blank. I finally managed to force myself to sit down and bang it out. I know I'll never be fully satisfied with this, as I feel I'm not thanking everyone enough or really expressing just how grateful I am, but it'll have to do.