Joy in the Everyday | Week 36

  • The weather this week has been amazing. Blue skies, warm weather, cool breezes. As fall looms closer and closer, I’m enjoying the warmth the days bring.

  • On the flip side, I’m dreading the arrival of autumn. The nights are getting brisker and the days shorter. I’m working on building up positive habits and mood boosters before the seasonal affective disorder (SAD for short) rears its ugly head.

  • I’m halfway through Free Food for Millionaires by Min Jin Lee. I bought the book over a year ago after speed-reading my way through Pachinko. I’m loving it so far. It’s easy to fall into the story with Lee’s writing style and her ability to weave a story that is both so unique, yet very relatable, is an art. I highly recommend it.

  • I’m visiting my mom for the next few days. It’s always nice being back here, sort of like a breath of fresh air. We’re trying to renovate the house slowly, and one of the first steps is organizing and cleaning everything as much as we can. Weird starting in the basement and working our way up. I actually hired professional organizers to help. I’ve only seen the work organizers do on organization Instagram, so I’m really excited to see what that looks like in person. Hopefully, at the end of 3 days, we’ll have a transformed space down there.

  • I’m not sure if I’ve talked about it on the blog before, but I’m really into skincare. I love trying new products and thoroughly enjoy doing my routines every day. This month I finally caved and decided to give custom, personalized skincare a try. I think there’s a bunch of brands out there now, but I went with Agency skincare for this. I plan on doing a full (unsponsored) review on my experience later, and I’m excited to start from scratch and see how my skin does on it. 

  • I started the capstone project that ends my SEO Specialization from Coursera. It involves a lot of Excel work, which for me involves a lot of Googling to figure out functions, formulas, and shortcuts. A bit tedious overall, but it feels good to be able to apply what I learned and really feel like I’m learning actionable skills.

  • For the past few months, I’ve been obsessed with calm, aesthetic vlogs. My newest find is everydaye, a vlogger based in the Philippines. It’s hard not to feel relaxed while watching her daily vlogs and the dry humor in her captions makes even the simplest of tasks hilarious. 

How was your week?


Gemma Acheampong

Hey, I'm Gemma, a semi-professional runner and blogger living in Boston. Actively Gemma is a fitness/lifestyle blog about my track and field journey, general fitness, travel, and self-improvement; hoping to inspire and encourage you to live a healthier life both inside and out. Learn More / Contact Me.

The End Of The Beginning


Website Updates and SEO Reviews | Week 35