What Is The True Measure Of Success?

How do you measure success?

I've never known how to answer that question.  How is success measured?  At one point can I stop and say that I've reached a point where I consider myself "successful"?  

I always ended up at the conclusion that ultimately success is subjective.  I stumbled upon this quote yesterday and thought this was a much better way to define success for yourself.  Sometimes when you look at the the big picture, it's often easy to say you're not successful - especially if you haven't reached your final goal just yet. 

I prefer this idea from Robert Collier - every day, every little accomplishment is some sort of success in it's own right.  These little successes build and grow until it's snowballed so large that you're surprised by how far you've managed to come.

click to tweet:  @@Every day, every little accomplishment is some sort of success in it's own right.@@

Don't be intimidated by the space between where you are and where you want to be.  Each step might seem small, but it's getting you that much closer to the finish line.

What do you think success is measured by?  

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Gemma Acheampong

Hey, I'm Gemma, a semi-professional runner and blogger living in Boston. Actively Gemma is a fitness/lifestyle blog about my track and field journey, general fitness, travel, and self-improvement; hoping to inspire and encourage you to live a healthier life both inside and out. Learn More / Contact Me.


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